

From my first painting class, I have struggled with including too much detail.  I am incredibly detail-oriented person in every other aspect of my life; why should painting be any different?  So if there are 17 petals on a flower, I want to paint each one.  Of course, that's not how your eye actually sees a flower - you have to stare and count to discern each of those petals.  Impressionists understood this principle.  While I don't aspire to be a great painter, I want my work to represent what I feel in the moment rather than an exact replica of each detail.

Immediacy.  That one word sums up my painting goals. What do you take in in a single moment?  What is the least mark you can make to say "flower"?  One of my art teachers led a series of lessons that helped me toward that end.  We were given 20-15-10-5 minutes to paint a still life.  Don't labor over it.  Don't overthink.  Just put down on the canvas what you can see in the moment.  This is one of my favorites of that exercise.

st. augustine

st. augustine
