I've been looking forward to an extended vacation at our family's Florida condo for several months. In planning what to pack, of course I spent more time debating projects than clothes! I knew I would bring knitting but ... loom or spinning wheel?
The wheel won out. I've been wanting to become a better spinner. I could imagine sitting on the balcony overlooking the ocean, silently spinning away. And that's just what I've done!
So far, I've spun 2 ounces of alpaca, 4 ounces of mulberry silk and an ounce of tussah, with more to come. I've knitted the mate to a sock and nearly finished a pair of mitts.
One of my goals was to experiment, and I had a good excuse. I realized after leaving home that I didn't have the right weight yarn for the planned fingerless mitts. But if I added my alpaca singles to the purchased alpaca handspun I'd brought...Voila! The cables are a little less defined than I'd like, but the yarn is super soft and should make a cozy pair of mitts. Bonus: I prefer the color of the two yarns mixed together over either alone! It's like I planned it ;)