Pandemic Projects Part 1 - Weaving

Pandemic Projects Part 1 - Weaving

Amidst all the stresses of the shut down came time to slow down and make some deliberate choices. I’m always looking for more time to weave, and boy, did I have time. I completed 20 weaving projects with varying levels of success. My favorites were woven as gifts for family and friends, as well as a few items for myself.

I also ventured into some experiments. I’m not a great spinner, but I have made some functional handspun. I tried weaving with some of my odds and ends, with mixed results. A set of scarves came out looking more rustic than I intended, but a mix of commercial and handspun silk yielded a shawl I’m excited to wear for the right occasion. I was especially encouraged with the result of a small leftover piece from the shawl woven with a tiny bit of leftover handspun. Now I just have to figure out what I can make with it!

In August, my long-awaited new Louet Spring loom arrived, inspiring a couple of projects for myself.

My final weaving category of 2020 was handwovens for sale in the shop where I work. Having that outlet gave me an excuse to weave lots of towels and scarves without worrying what I would do with them

A Gift from the East

A Gift from the East

Introducing ... Jack!

Introducing ... Jack!